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Fault Management. Beacon Broadband have a number of procedures and processes in place to ensure that all network faults are managed in a timely fashion. Customer issues are entered in our ticketing queue and dealt with as as soon as possible. Response times vary depending on queue lengths, severity and/or SLA. All support issues are logged and tracked in our customer tracking and logging system. All support issues are tracked throughout the process, including full information on resolution / cause.
Monitoring and Alerts. At Beacon we used a number of techniques to ensure we have full monitoring capabilities of the network. We use various industry software solutions to collect and combine statistics from all devices in our network. Our monitoring platform monitors devices every 2 minutes and is running 24/7 to ensure we have a full overview of the network at any time. Combined with our engineers expertise we are able to diagnose issues. Our monitoring tools are used to alert us to a number of potential issues, these issues include power outages, radio interference and configuration changes that affect the performance of the network. Customers connections are monitored via radius logs. Customers can log in to their individual portal to view data usage, connections and billing info. Customers can raise a ticket directly when logged in to the portal. Historical data relating to our network is maintained in our systems which can be used to examine potential issued even if the issue no longer exists.
Network Contention. Our continuous monitoring allows our engineers to graph and view traffic from connection originations points in the network, allowing the engineers to cross-reference customer requirements with current network trends. This ensures contention does not become an issue, future proofing our connectivity. Our network is built in ways to maintain connections on failed links and used backup connections automatically when link failure occurs, keeping our customers online during these types of issues. Our monitoring is consistently looked at each day by our expert engineers ensuring that problems are dealt with as a matter of urgency. For business customers with dedicated links, contention is defined via the relevant SLA agreement.
Network Uptime. Network Uptime is monitored 24/7, engineers receive SMS alerts and email notification should a portion of our network go offline. We will send out a mass email to affected customers and will publish a network status message that can be listened to via a phone call to our support line.
Speed Testing and Network Testing. At Beacon we use built in functions of vendor equipment to speed test our connections in our core network. For customer tests we advise you read our WiFi guide here if you are still having trouble please get in touch with our team.
Support Procedures. Beacon support phone line is a direct line to or engineers to help with any issues, this is manned during business hours 9 to 5:30 Mon to Fri. Out of hours we monitor email and Facebook messages and will raise tickets accordingly. We inform customers of ongoing issues or faults using your supplied email address and for large outages, by our network status message that can be listened to by called our support number. We always inform customers, verbally and via email, of additional charges before an engineer is booked to carry out any non standard work outside of our agreement.

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